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Word Work

"Word Work" is the topic that we use to teach about spelling rules and vocabulary.  Each week we will be introduced to a new spelling pattern and doing a lot of different activities to learn how this pattern is used in many different words. 

This year we're going to be learning some studying skills that will help us practice these words each week.  The students will be bringing home a spelling duotang where you will find the students list of words each week, and the activities that they've picked to help them practice those words.

Here is our weekly routine:

Day 1: we will have a pre-test to help us identify which words are challenging for us.  Students will then write 10 words in their agendas that they will focus on during the week.

Day 2 and 3: we will use games and activities in class to continue practicing our word patterns.

Day 4: we will have our end of the week spelling test to see how we’ve improved. 

Spelling and Vocabulary Word Skills Practice

We learn best when we enjoy what we're doing, so each week the kids will choose 3 activities to help them practice their spelling list.  These activities target different methods of learning in fun ways so that the kids can get the repetition they need!

Click here to visit a great website that talks about proven spelling practice strategies.

Click here to see all of our practice activities.

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